BSDE 4tet is a young jazz group based partially in the Netherlands and partially in Italy. We take advantage of the different backgrounds of our members to create a fresh new sound in all original compositions. Our music combines aspects of free jazz, hard-bop and modern harmonies and rhythms together with folk material from the countries of origin of the group members and their cultural encounters.

Some of our compositions are based on tragic events that happened in recent years and express both disappointment and constructive criticism. We strongly believe that music is an important social moment to share emotions and thoughts. We believe, in fact, that jazz can also still lead to reflection and change as it has done in the past.

The BSDE 4tet received the Roberto Zelioli Award during our tour in Italy in 2019, and its saxophone player most recently won the Giorgio Gaslini International Award in 2023.

Our new album “Elevating Jazz Music Vol. 1” is out!

Elevating Jazz Music

Vol. 1

We play Elevating music, not Elevator music, quoting a phrase by Eminem on Rap God. By doing so, we try to emphasize the social and communicative aspects of music, too often put aside to favor the so-called usability.

The album presents itself as a collection of stories about recent events, less-recent ones, and what’s going on right now. Some serious, some not so serious, our dialogues want to encourage reflection on different aspects of the world around us, depicting the feelings evoked by them.

The open-ended writing style of the compositions was conceived with a specific sound in mind, which led to the founding of the BSDE 4tet. At the same time, it leaves space for interaction among all who participate, so the personal and expressive contribution of both musicians and audience become essential.

Interplay and a collective sound are aspects that the band feels very strongly about, to the point that the album was recorded the "old-fashioned way", in a single room and without headphones or double-glazing to separate the vibrations of the instruments.

Listen to our single now:


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